Q: How often do you scoop?
A: To keep your yard clean, most customers opt for once a week service. We also can come once every two weeks, more than once a week, or whatever works for you.
Q: Do I have to sign a contract?
A: No. If you need to cancel, all we ask is that you call at least a day in advance of your service day.
Q: How much do you charge?
A: Rates start around $17 a week. Please consult our Rates Page for a full rate list.
Q: Can I get a one time only service?
A: Yes. You can also hire us for a short time.
Q: Should I unlock my gate?
A: Yes, just on your service day. We’re not very good climbers. Other options are: leave a key under your mat (don’t forget to tell us that!), give us the combo or allow us to enter somehow, someway so that you don’t have to remember every week!
Q: What’s Poo Haiku?
A: Haiku is Japanese verse form of three unrhymed lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively. Poo Haiku is this poetry centered around our favorite subject. See more Poo Haiku on our links page.
Q: Can I leave my dog in the yard?
A: That depends on your dog. We love dogs and have no problem working with them in the yard. But if your dog is likely to act as a guard dog or is not good with strangers, we ask that you please keep your dog inside during our service visit.
Q: Is there a first-time startup fee?
A: No. However, if things have been, er, piling up, it takes us longer to clean than a regular visit, and consequently we charge more. That charge will three times the regular weekly charge minimum up to a maximum of $150 depending of how much poo has piled up. With Spring CleanUps (Jan through April) there are special prices for Spring CleanUps. January is the lowest cleanup charge with April being the highest cleanup charge. Just think of 5 months of poop in your yard if you wait till April!!
Our Spring Special is always a discounted CleanUp charge plus 4 weeks of service at the “per dog charge.”
Q: Do you work in the rain or stormy weather?
A: Yes, But we’re not quite the postal service, so if the weather is really bad, we’ll come later in the week or as soon as we can. Naturally, you only pay for the scoops we doo.
Q: Doo you scoop on holidays?
A: If your scoop day falls on one of these holidays, we’ll scoop your yard either the day before or the day after the holiday: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Q: Can I skip a service day?
A: No problem. Just call a day ahead of your regular service day (612 374-3000). Please remember to do this if, for instance, you go on vacation and take your dog with you.
Q: What exactly do you mean by “satisfaction guaranteed”?
A: We mean if you’re not happy with the service, we’ll make it right or we won’t charge for the scoop.
Q: How do I pay?
A: You’ll receive an invoice at the beginning of the new month for work done the previous month. We use an Autopay system that stores your credit card and bills you once you have been invoiced. Currently, we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.