Our life here is short
A lesson, small grasshopper
Let others scoop poo
Poo Haiku #21
My dog I do love
His number two I do not
Go away poo, go
Poo Haiku #14
You pick up the poo
Hey, I picked it up last time
Don’t argue, call us
Poo Haiku #17
The stench in my yard
It’s like a dirty diaper
Someone please change it
Poo Haiku #7
On my couch I nap
A sparkling lawn when I awake
Worth every cent
Poo Haiku #15
I watch where I step
Determined not to mash poo
Ew, my cross trainers
Poo Haiku #2
How do I love thee
As I count the many ways
I pick up your poop
Poo Haiku #22
The love you feel for your dog
Jeez her poop stinks though
Poo Haiku #18
It’s like a cartoon
You imagine the stink lines
Coming off the poop
Poo Haiku #5
Poop poop poop poop poop
Poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
Everywhere I look
Poo Haiku #15
Even with a bag
It oozes between fingers
Yuck, heebie jeebies
Poo Haiku #20
Hmmm, what should I do?
Get all the week’s shopping done
Or pick up the poo?
Poo Haiku #13
I can hold my breath
I can hold it a long time
But not long enough
Poo Haiku #8
I teach my dog tricks
Sit stay fetch rollover and more
He can’t pick up poop
Poo Haiku #10
The neighbors grimace
My yard is so unsightly
I cannot blame them
Poo Haiku #12
The last thing you want
After taking it at work
Is scooping at home